1- Material and Energy - Material bodies and systems - Matter and energy - Mass and weight - Energy. Energy produces changes: physical change and chemical change - Forms of energy - Energy sources - The Sun source of energy - Energy transfers - The Earth: transformation of a material system |
2- Energy and geological changes outside the earth - Solar energy and relation with external geological agents - External geological agents. - Weathering - Erosion, transport and sedimentation - Formation of soils - Where and how the wind acts on the landscape |
3- External geological agents: Water - The effect of water on land relief. - Rainwater - Rivers - Glaciers - Seas |
4- Energy inside the Earth - Structure of the Earth - Tectonic plates -Volcanoes - Earthquakes - The rock cycle |
5- Chemical reactions - Atoms, elements symbols. - Mixtures and compounds. - Acids and alkali. - Simple chemical reactions. - Balancing equations - Chemistry laws; Conservation of mass - Chemical reactions and energy. |
6- Forces and their effects - Forces: change shape, speed and direction. - Different types of forces; contact, non-contact. - Vertical force: gravity. - Concept of speed, time and distance. - Graphs. - Balanced and unbalanced forces. - Friction, resistance, up thrust, driving force. - Work and energy - Turning effects; moments |
7- Heat and temperature. - Heat - Temperature. - Conduction of heat - Insulation. - Expansion on heating. |
8- Sound - Sound as vibrations. - Sound needs a medium to travel through - Amplitude and pitch - Loudness and decibels. - Human hearing. The ear. |
9- Light - Light - Light travels in a straight line and at very high speed. - Materials may be transparent, translucent or opaque. - Light may be reflected. The laws of reflection. - Light is refracted. The laws of refraction. - The eye. |
10- Energy and living things - Vital functions and use of energy. - Biomolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins - Autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition - Cellular nutrition and respiration - Photosynthesis |
11- Living things use energy - Living things use energy: maintenance of species - Animal reproduction - Plant reproduction - Other uses of energy: heat, movement, growing - Coordination, sensitivity and adaptation |
12- Ecosystems and energy - The Biosphere - Abiotic factors. - Biotic factors. - Food web. - Pyramids of energy. - Biomass as an energy source. - Effects of pollution. |